17. Built-in Tool: BindableProperty

In this section, we will introduce BindableProperty.

BindableProperty provides an object that combines data and data change events.

Basic Usage

using UnityEngine;

namespace QFramework.Example
    public class BindablePropertyExample : MonoBehaviour
        private BindableProperty<int> mSomeValue = new BindableProperty<int>(0);

        private BindableProperty<string> mName = new BindableProperty<string>("QFramework");

        void Start()
            mSomeValue.Register(newValue =>

            mName.RegisterWithInitValue(newName =>

        void Update()

            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))

// 输出结果// QFramework// 按下鼠标左键,输出:// 1// 按下鼠标左键,输出:// 2

It’s very simple.

We have already introduced BindableProperty when we were writing the CounterApp, so we will end the introduction here.