09. SingletonKit Singleton Template Kit

SingletonKit is the first tool collected by QFramework. After 7 years of iteration, it is now very mature.

Long time no see! I used to think that everyone could use QFramework directly, but later I thought that if the ongoing project uses QFramework directly, the risk is too high and there are too many codes to be changed. So I plan to gradually separate some tools and modules, allowing everyone to replace them module by module to reduce the risk of replacement.


Several articles have introduced several implementations of singleton templates in Unity before. Later, I also referred to the implementation of other singleton libraries, learned from their advantages, and declared the original author.

Quick Start:

Implement a singleton class that inherits from MonoBehaviour

namespace QFramework.Example
    public class AudioManager : ManagerBase,ISingleton
        public static AudioManager Instance
            get { return QMonoSingletonProperty<AudioManager>.Instance; }

        public void OnSingletonInit()


        public void Dispose()

        public void PlaySound(string soundName)


        public void StopSound(string soundName)


The result is as follows:

This is very elegant from start to finish!

C# Singleton Class

  • Singleton.cs

public class GameDataManager : Singleton<GameDataManager>
    private static int mIndex = 0;

    private Class2Singleton() {}

    public override void OnSingletonInit()

    public void Log(string content)
        Debug.Log(""GameDataManager"" + mIndex + "":"" + content);

// GameDataManager1:OnSingletonInit:Hello
// GameDataManager1:OnSingletonInit:Hello

Simply inherit QSingleton and declare a non-public constructor. If you need to get the timing of singleton initialization, you can choose to overload the OnSingletonInit method.


Hello World!
Hello World!

Mono Singleton

  • MonoSingleton.cs

public class GameManager : MonoSingleton<GameManager>
  public override void OnSingletonInit()
      Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""OnSingletonInit"");

  private void Awake()
      Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""Awake"");

  private void Start()
      Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""Start"");

  protected override void OnDestroy()

      Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""OnDestroy"");

var gameManager = GameManager.Instance; // GameManager:OnSingletonInit // GameManager:Awake // GameManager:Start // ——————— // GameManager:OnDestroy

## Mono 属性单例

* MonoSingletonProperty.cs
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour,ISingleton
    public static GameManager Instance
        get { return MonoSingletonProperty<GameManager>.Instance; }

    public void Dispose()

    public void OnSingletonInit()
        Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""OnSingletonInit"");

    private void Awake()
        Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""Awake"");

    private void Start()
        Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""Start"");

    protected void OnDestroy()
        Debug.Log(name + "":"" + ""OnDestroy"");
var gameManager = GameManager.Instance;
// GameManager:OnSingletonInit
// GameManager:Awake
// GameManager:Start
// ---------------------
// GameManager:OnDestroy

C# 属性单例


  • SingletonProperty.cs

public class GameDataManager : ISingleton
  public static GameDataManager Instance
      get { return SingletonProperty<GameDataManager>.Instance; }

  private GameDataManager() {}

  private static int mIndex = 0;

  public void OnSingletonInit()

  public void Dispose()

public void Log(string content) { Debug.Log(“”GameDataManager”” + mIndex + “”:”” + content); }

GameDataManager.Instance.Log(""Hello""); // GameDataManager1:OnSingletonInit:Hello

GameDataManager.Instance.Log(""Hello""); // GameDataManager1:OnSingletonInit:Hello


## Rename MonoSingletPath

Code as follows:

namespace QFramework.Example
    using UnityEngine;

    class ClassUseMonoSingletonPath : QMonoSingleton<ClassUseMonoSingletonPath>


    public class MonoSingletonPath : MonoBehaviour
        private void Start()
            var intance = ClassUseMonoSingletonPath.Instance;



When there are two PersistentMonoSingleton in the scene, keep the one created first.

public class GameManager : PersistentMonoSingleton<GameManager>


IEnumerator Start()
    var gameManager = GameManager.Instance;

    var newGameManager = new GameObject().AddComponent<GameManager>();

    yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

    // 1
    Debug.Log(gameManager == null);
    // false
    Debug.Log(newGameManager == null);
    // true


When there are two ReplaceableMonoSingleton in the scene, keep the one created last.

public class GameManager : ReplaceableMonoSingleton<GameManager>


IEnumerator Start()
    var gameManager = GameManager.Instance;

    var newGameManager = new GameObject().AddComponent<GameManager>();

    yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

    // 1
    Debug.Log(gameManager == null);
    // true
    Debug.Log(newGameManager == null);
    // false

That’s all about the introduction of SingletonKit.